Tuesday, 2 August 2011

"three mushrooms"

My expertise experimenting leads me to create amazing works. I found a whole bunch of tall small mushrooms in my parents garden the other morning. There were bunches in different piles and the three mushrooms intrigued me so much i just HAD to make them "special". Once i saw those mushrooms my mind travelled to Alice and her Wonderland.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Rat Eye Infected

My poor Absces has an infected eye. i've been told to look after it and if it doesn't get better after washing it with warm water every now and then i'll have to get him checked out by a vet. Let's hope it get's better so i don't have to go broke by the vet fee of $70, yeesh! </3

Saturday, 16 July 2011

the rare cuddle

I found them like this when i was cleaning... *stares in awe*

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Reaping the Souls of the Fake

A project i've wanted to do in a long time.. is experiment with smoke. So here is my latest self-portrait project, i call it "Reaping the Souls of the Fake".

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Drowning Beauty

What i feel right now. i feel like i'm drowning. wasting my time. enjoying my wasted time. falling deeper into the oasis.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

noo doo

The new hair cut i got last week :) looks pretty snazzy in a photo, whoop! my salon lady friend Barb Pare from Metamorphasis Styles is responsible for this mop mess XD love it! i'm bringing the 90s back with a twist.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

"go F&@% yourselves san Diego"

This is war. You will not own my things, or me. No longer will i have to put up with unfair favouritism. no longer will i have to put up with not being taught. no longer will i not have benefits when so many others get it instead. one more year and then i'm done with you. no more shame.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

my flashbox

So i actually got up and made a softbox for my SB-600 flash. I may have made it a bit too big but adjustments can wait till later :) it'd be nice if i actually had a 900 so i can trigger it by radio, but i'm too broke for that. I had to make my own softbox didn't i? it's quite obvious i'm too broke for life.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

dead frog

There was a dead frog in front of my house today... looks like he's been resting for quite some time now.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Lily the dog

[Taken with the D700 again, ISO: 3200 and almost no noice <3]

This is Lily, my uncle's dog. I don't want to be cheesy and say that she's the sweetest dog in the world, but i will say i like her enough to steal her.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

chicken wings

This is what i had for dinner tonight... and this is what i took with the Nikon D700 for the first time. I'm in love<3.

Friday, 8 April 2011

a crazy face from a semi stressful lighting set-up

This is Sharon. She's my partner for an interview i had to do of one of my professors and i had to photograph him. Since he was a photographer i decided to do an environmental portrait with the lighting equipment in the background... this is similar to how i set him up (minus her amazing expression). There was quite a bit of difficulty with the lights not acting how they should be and this is a result of the aftermath of fixing that problem, with the help of my professor Grace Smith, who assigned this project.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

cheerfully sleepy

Pretty much just a lazy day. got really cold (as it always is in my basement bedroom) so i'm covered in blankets. decided to play around with photobooth/photoshop combined. two sided misha today. I was in a really interesting mood all day, kinda hyper in the "i'm-really-weird-and-happy-but-not-so-cheerful" way. so my "happy face" is the strangely moody me, and then there's my sleepy face, because i'm exhausted to no end and clearly wasting much valuable time in the process.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

me and my ratty-patatties

[Abscese (Ab-sees)on the left, and Fester on the right.]

Pulled another all nighter and decided to get all purdied up and take some diptychs me me and my two ratty-pataties. Yes I just called my rats ratty-patatties. I also haven't vampired my eyes in a while and thought it looked pretty grand with this photo.

Friday, 25 March 2011

out take - speak no evil

I stayed up all night, planning to work on a project but ended up doing my own neat version of see no evil hear no evil and speak no evil. I really like this outtake from the project and i decided to share it with y'all. Here it is and Enjoy.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Joey Sleeping

I was sitting in the commons today with Dana and Melissa going over our business plan and Joey was kinda sorta helpin out and... well.... sleeping (as you can see). It's our day off and we are all kind of zonked out, so i don't blame him... but this was still very entertaining to us LOL.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

a blacklight night

I'm getting ready for my blacklight setup and i realize i don't take as many documentary photography of my own studio productions. So here it is, enjoy and get impatient to see the rest of my set on my original blog :).

a photo a week

So i realize that i'm not doing so well on the photo a day project so i'm going to change it up a little bit... it's almost as if i'm not taking a photo a day but instead i'm taking a photo a week. I'm still trying, so it's going to be a struggle. if i do not have a photo a day, it'll end up being one photo a week. I'm absolutely not use to this, so my goals are staying the same

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Einstein sticks to the MacBook Pro

I got this pin from a New York vendor in Central Park with Einstein's head and his most cherished works "Imagination is more important than knowledge". I was just playing around and fantasized to myself that it would be nice if i could put it up somewhere around my computer and load and behold, as i was putting it up to my macbook it stuck. I was astonished at first but then i remembered that it was magnetized to close shut. This is just a lame example of my reason to say "I had to."

Friday, 11 March 2011

The Scardie-Rat

Abscese, the crazy one who likes adrenaline rushes by just falling anywhere, is afraid of the camera flash lol so flippin cute, hiding behind those cage bars. Don't worry y'all, i didn't flash them for long haha i'm no animal torturer, in fact, i wish i could assassinate all animal brutalists. 

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Day 2

Me and my suck-up pet Fester. He likes to kiss me on the lips, and i don't think i can discipline him enough just to teach him that he shouldn't lick me lol. I do it anyways haha, with this picture being the exception that I do not.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Winter Weeds

Just to start things off, this will be my experiment. I'm going to try and take a photo a day, since i've made it a nasty habit not to. This will further my experience with the camera and my technique and it will be interesting to see how i've changed through out the next 365 days.