Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Rat Eye Infected

My poor Absces has an infected eye. i've been told to look after it and if it doesn't get better after washing it with warm water every now and then i'll have to get him checked out by a vet. Let's hope it get's better so i don't have to go broke by the vet fee of $70, yeesh! </3

Saturday, 16 July 2011

the rare cuddle

I found them like this when i was cleaning... *stares in awe*

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Reaping the Souls of the Fake

A project i've wanted to do in a long time.. is experiment with smoke. So here is my latest self-portrait project, i call it "Reaping the Souls of the Fake".

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Drowning Beauty

What i feel right now. i feel like i'm drowning. wasting my time. enjoying my wasted time. falling deeper into the oasis.